Welcome to the Hive
…everything digital
Hive Studio is a Digital Community Resource delivering a number of dedicated digital training programmes & initiatives. We offer accredited (OCN) courses covering the entire OCN Curricula (with specific units/courses by request) and unaccredited training across a variety of digital disciplines, including (but not limited to): Programming, Graphic Design, Web/App Development, Film Production (& video editing), Game Development, E-Publishing, Audio Production, Social Media & E-Marketing, Multi-Media Journalism, Drone Videography, Digital Photography, Big Data and Analytics. We also offer a range of commercial services to the public sector, businesses and community groups in the Derry / North West area primarily, including: Graphic Design / Web Design / Video & Film Production / Publishing & EPublishing / Drone Services / Smart Home Assistive Technology Products & Services and much more…
…fully equipped
Hive have a suite of iPads (and Android devices), iMacs, Mac Pros, MacBook Pros and PC laptops (fully stocked with a range of creative software, including: Adobe Creative Suite 6, Avid MC & Pro Tools, Apple Logic, Sibelius, Final Cut X & Compressor, Quark XPress 9, Unity, Daz, Blender, Microsoft Office and much more… Hive have a range of digital photography and AV equipment (cameras, tripods, filters, lenses, lights, backdrops, mics, live production switch & mixer, field equipment, capture boxes, live streaming facilities) and a dedicated studio available for use for commercial, education or outreach projects.
…games & cinema
Hive provide a range of community gaming events for different age ranges and across various genres. Games are played across the Hive’s large format Smart TVs, on the devices themselves (PC/Mac/iPad etc) and on in-house consoles (Xbox 360, Wii, PS3, Xbox1 & PS4) using VR, big screen and projector. We organise regular Minecraft tournaments and pro-gamer nights (Fifa / COD etc) – for young people and Retro Gaming nights for children of all ages. Our Cult Cinema evenings showcase classics across a number of genres: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Manga, Crime, Horror, B-Movies, Martial Arts, Indie-comedy – in HD big screen quality.
What we do…